Monday, 10 January 2011

one step forward, two steps back!

well as  officially today i am on top off all my uni work, and don't have any projects for awhile :) kudos to me.
only thing is it seems that every time i manage to bring myself into a happy state something just goes and knocks me straight to the floor. each and every time!
and every time it gets a little harder to get back up.
i just feel lethargic and tired, and weak and sad. 
i just don't know how to get out of this. 
i really really can't!!!
and on top of it all i'm not sleeping and i keep getting terrible headaches, i just don't know how to fix it.


  1. Hi Chick

    Have you thought that maybe you could be depressed? Things that might help-eating well, going for a walk-even if your tired cos it makes you feel better, having a nice chat with a good friend etc etc. sometimes really simple things can help you feel better.

    Is there anything especially getting to you?maybe try and talk to someone about it

    anyway, i hope you feel better :) xx

  2. thankyou, i do talk to some of my friends about things but there isnt anything i can do to sort some of these problems out.
    unfortunately i was diagnosed with depression a while ago. but i got out of it, and i dont want to go back to it. i want to fight it.
    does that make sense? i just want to keep on top of it all.
    but again thankyou :) xx
