Monday 23 August 2010

this is my first Outfit post. the dress is from TK Maxx and the tights are from Primark i think the tights were £2 but silly Primark undercharged me as i got plain ones as well, but i didn't realise till i got home.

i really like this dress, but unfortunately i have only worn this once before. and i think that was dues to one of my lecturers making a joke about me going out dancing, which annoyed me some what.
But today i am meeting my best friend Harriet in town, were going to window shop i believe, as we are both skint before university starts :(.
but today i have a few errands to run before i go up to Taunton to see my Boyfriends amazing family :) Haven't seen them properly for weeks so i am very excited!!!
I was in Sidmouth last week in devon and have seemed to have caught a pretty nasty sinus infection, so my head feels like it may explode, so to the doctors i go later to hopefully get something to help, my brother has gained this horrible thing as well and we are sounding slightly like demons.

im not sure what else to add so ill leave you with this